Nail Salon Web Design Tips - nail polished

Growing up as a child in suburban New Jersey, I don't remember seeing any nail salons along the local roads and highways.mother never mentioned having to go to a nail salon; when she had someplace special to go it was to her regular beautician, who would soak her fingers, remove her cuticles and polish her nails.
How do I know this? Well...I was often dragged along with her to many a boring appointment. On occasion, I was bribed with the promise of a toy purchase, afterward.There is Big Money in Long Fingernails

According to "Nails" magazine, following an industry slump immediately after 9/11, the nail salon industry began growing rapidly again in 2002. By that year there were already more than 368,000 licensed nail technicians in the United States and over 51,000 licensed salons offering nail services to women and men. Today, there are at least 500,000 nail technicians in the United States and Canada alone.
Those who set up shop in the nail salon industry can expect to earn $35,000 in the first year of the business. However, those located in a high-traffic spots can expect to earn up to a six-figure income.
Do More than Just "Scratch" the Surface of Successful Marketing

Please keep in mind that even the best "brick and mortar" location supported by some print ads is only a small part of your overall marketing effort. A quality web presence is also necessary to help with some of the heavy lifting when it comes to gaining significant consumer exposure.

Having your website come up on the front page of search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo will send a wave of customer traffic to your website increasing your appointments and expanding your e-mailing list. No question that this is a successful outcome for any nail salon.
Your Web Presence Must Be Attractive, Polished and Professional

To reach your desired call-to-actions (e.g. what do you want your website visitors to do next?), you must - first - be successful capturing your visitors' attention and holding it long enough for them to follow-through and eventually do business with you. Is there anything more important than this being your overall marketing goal?

- Catchy titles Like "You Can Have Beautiful Nails Like the Stars" gets people's attention
- Quality photos and helpful videos
- Useful beauty tips
- Interesting content and unusual information that demonstrates your specialized expertise
- Website "celebrations" to get customers in the holiday spirit
- Video and written testimonials from your most satisfied customers are key influencers
- Discounts and special incentives wherever and whenever possible
- Features to benefit your customers such as online appointment setting tools
- Website pages that load FAST. (This has even become a search-engine raking criteria. Slow loading pages frustrate and lose visitors.)
- Frequent website updates with interesting and eye-catching content and graphics

Use your blog to give helpful information on a weekly basis. This is a key to attracting more people to your website!
By the way, don't forget to promote your website, blog and any social media pages that you set up within your e-mail signature. Also, promote them in any traditional advertising mediums that you may already be using.All of this wise effort should translate into more business for you and for your growing nail salon.